How are your invoices refunded?

Whether direct billing or submitting the invoice - this is how the reimbursement of your treatment costs works.

Direct billing with doctors or hospitals

After the admission of a patient, hospitals usually contact our claims department. Billing then takes place directly with the hospital.

In the USA and Canada, doctors and dentists can settle their bills directly with our partner Global Excel. For this purpose, you should contact Global Excel - if possible prior to falling ill. Doctors send their invoices to Global Excel who, in return, transfers the invoice amount directly to the doctor’s account.

Advantage of direct billing: if the treatment costs are within the sums insured under the policy, you don’t need to bother with the billing at all.

If it is purely an outpatient treatment, the easiest way is to use the Air Doctor App 
Book a free appointment directly in the app! No matter whether it's with a general practitioner, a hospital or a specialist. All outpatient examinations can be booked via the app and you no longer have to pay in advance: The costs are settled with us directly via Air Doctor.

If you receive an invoice

After treating you, the doctor will give you an invoice. This invoice must include: name of the treated person, illness, type of individual medical services performed as well as the total treatment costs.

Please submit the invoice to us. Please use this online form
Please indicate an bank account to which the reimbursement should be made.

Please note: Laboratory invoices and prescriptions for prescribed medicines can only be reimbursed if we also receive the doctor's invoice (with diagnosis).

If you wish to send us the invoice by post, please use this PDF and send it to:

Abteilung Leistung
Eisenerzstraße 34
53819 Neunkirchen-Seelscheid
E [email protected]
T +49 2247 9194-31
F +49 2247 9194-20